Wednesday, November 14, 2007


Looking back on my writing I tend to talk bad about the things that keep me from doing what I love. Weather it is mosquitoes keeping me from enjoying the outdoors and nature or it is jellyfish that keep me from enjoying the beach. Two of my three stories seemed to fall toward this format but my third one was just informative and it didn't have any of my personal writing styles in it.


cmd9488 said...

I really liked all of your essays. They all made sense the comparisons you were making. The mosquito one is so true. I hate them. It makes being outdoor so much worse. It was interesting how you said you write about the bad things that keep you from doing what you love. Good Job.

btpashby said...

Yeah I think we all talk about things we dont like at one time or the other. Im like you , I cant stand mosquitos and I dont like jelly fish either.

Wendy said...

Really great, Jacob!

aoski said...

I do the same thing. I always seem to focus on the things I don't like, and yah, the mosquitos are really really bad down here!

Kameshia Williams said...

I guess being debative if that's a word isnt to bad when you grab so many points in writting. And argueing makes a person writter i was told so with those arguemental ways it will take you very far as in composing a good paper.